Lapulapu History:
Lapu-Lapu was the king of Cebu in the Visayas. The Philippines considers him the first Filipino hero because he was the first indigenous person to resist Spanish colonization through his victory over explorer Ferdinand Magellan. Monuments to Lapu-Lapu have been built in Manila and Cebu while the Philippine National Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection use his image.
He is best known for the Battle of Mactan which occurred in the early morning of April 27, 1521. The battle halted Magellan's expedition and Spanish occupation of the archipelago was delayed for about forty years until the expedition of Miguel López de Legazpi in 1564.
Commander Lapulapu Review:
In Rise of Kingdoms, Lapulapu is a legendary garrison commander. He has the Leadership, Garrison, and Skill talent trees. Lapulapu is a great commander to defend your city but when it comes to other types of combat like open field, garrison, and rally, he is extremely bad.
You should not invest your commander sculpture in Lapulapu. It doesn't matter if you are free to play or pay to win, it is simply not worth it. He is designed for garrison cities where you have mixed armies and there is a chance that players will swarm you. But let's be honest: when will your city be attacked? If you are careful and position yourself right on the map, your city will never be attacked. Besides, letting your city be attacked is the worst thing you can do if you are a free player.
It is better to save your commander sculptures for future commanders to be deployed than to invest in some current commanders that are superior in power and you will be able to use for clearings and garrisons.
Lapulapu Commander Skills:
Active Skill: Mactan Blade
Deals direct damage to up to 5 nearby enemy units (Damage Factor 2000; each additional target takes 15% less damage per target). If this commander's current target is a rallied army, that army takes additional direct damage (Damage Factor 300).
Upgrade Preview:
Direct damage coefficient: 1400/1500/1600/1800/2000
Additional direct damage multiplier vs. rallying troops: 150/180/210/250/300
Passive Skill 1: Stand Up Against
This commander's troops gain 20% increased Attack. Their troops deal 10% more [skill damage] when attacking gathered troops.
Upgrade Preview:
Attack Bonus: 5%/8%/11%/15%/20%
Skill Damage Bonus: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
Passive Skill 2: Heart of a Datu
If this commander's army contains at least 3 different [unit types], it will increase Defense by 10% and Health by 10%. If this commander is serving as a garrison commander, the garrison will take 5% less damage. If the garrison is in your city, this damage reduction will be increased by an additional 5%.
Upgrade Preview:
Defense Bonus: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
Health Bonus: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
Damage Reduction: 1%/2%/3%/4
Damage Reduction %/5% (Additional): 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%
Passive Skill 3: Situational Awareness
Whenever this commander's army uses an active skill:
If this commander is holding the position of garrison commander, the garrison will receive a 10% bonus on damage dealt for 3 seconds.
If this commander is serving as one of your city's garrison commanders, your city's garrison will receive a 20% bonus to damage dealt for 3 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
Damage Bonus: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
Damage Bonus (City Garrison): 5%/8%/11%/15%/20%
Expertise : Resilient and Undaunted
Deals direct damage to up to 5 nearby enemies (Damage multiplier 2000; each additional target deals 15% reduced damage per target):
If this commander's army's current target is a rallying army, that army takes additional direct damage (Damage Multiplier 500).
If this commander is serving as one of your city's garrison commanders, their current target is also [Disarm] for 1 second. For the next 3 seconds, this commander's troops also take 10% less skill damage.
Best pairings for Lapulapu:
City and construction garrison:

Best Garrison talent tree for Lapulapu