Heraclius History:
Heraclius was the first Byzantine Emperor of the Heraclian dynasty. In 608, together with his father (who was then proconsul of Africa), he rebelled against the tyrannical Emperor Phocas. In 610, he defeated Phocas and became the new Emperor.
During Phocas's reign, Byzantium lost part of its eastern territory to the Sasanian Empire. Heraclius attempted to retake this territory but was defeated. The Sasanians advanced as far as the Bosphorus Strait, directly threatening the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Thanks to his formidable walls and powerful navy, Heraclius avoided total defeat. Heraclius soon instituted a series of reforms that rebuilt and strengthened the Byzantine army. In 627, Heraclius finally defeated the Sasanians at the Battle of Nineveh. The Shahanshah of the Sasanian Empire was overthrown, and his successor soon sued for peace.
The territory Heraclius had recaptured soon faced a new threat. The Rashidun Caliphate that had risen from Arabia quickly conquered the Sasanian Empire and made significant inroads into Egypt, Armenia, and Mesopotamia. Faced with this new crisis, Heraclius again reformed his army, allowing his successors to slow the Caliphate's expansion.
During Heraclius' reign, the Byzantine Empire continued to become more Hellenized. Greek became the official language of the Empire, and Heraclius became the first Emperor to officially take the Greek title of “Basileus”.
Heraclius Review:
How to get this Commander sculpture: Most Mighty Governor Event (“MGE”)
Heraclius was often used as a Garrison Commander in the ROK.
His Mighty Shield stacks with the normal Shield effects of Charles Martel and Alexander the Great.
Prioritize upgrading skills for Heraclius:
5551 – This is a good value for your commander sculptures even for free to play players.
5555 – If you have enough Universal Legendary Commander Sculptures, you should Specialize this commander to get his Specialization skill.
Heraclius Commander Skills:
Rage Required: 1000
Deals direct damage to up to 5 nearby target troops (Damage Factor 600). Damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target. This skill also grants this commander's troops a Mighty Shield for 5 seconds (Damage Factor 600).
Direct damage coefficient: 600/700/800/1000/1200
Strong Shield Damage Coefficient: 600/700/800/1000/1200
Passive skill 1:
Increases the Health of this commander's troops by 10%. While serving as a garrison commander, normal attacks from this commander's troops have a 30% chance to increase their own counterattack damage by 10% for 3 seconds (20% if garrisoned in your own city). This effect can trigger every 8 seconds.
Health Bonus: 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%
Garrison Counterattack Damage Bonus: 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%
Garrison Counterattack Damage Bonus (Private City): 20%/25%/30%/35%
Passive Skill 2: Skouton of Byzantium
Increases this commander's troops' skill damage by 10%. When they use an active skill, their troops gain a Mighty Shield (Damage Factor 200, Damage Factor 300 if garrisoned in your city) for 3 seconds. This effect can trigger every 8 seconds.
Skill Damage Bonus: 10%/12%/14%/16%/20%
Strong Shield Damage Coefficient: 200/250/300/350/400
Strong Shield Damage Coefficient (When Garrisoned in a City): 300/350/400/450/500
Passive Skill 3: Basileus
Increases this commander's troops' Defense by 3% and their Attack by 3% while stationed in your stronghold or city. When their troops are attacked while wearing a shield, it has a 30% chance to deal direct damage to the attacker (Damage Multiplier 500). This effect can trigger every 8 seconds.
Defense Bonus: 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%
Attack Bonus: 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%
Direct damage coefficient: 500/600/700/800/1000
Expertise: Eagle Banner
(passive skill)
This commander's troops take 10% less damage from normal attacks. If this commander's troops have at least 3 different unit types, the damage taken is reduced by an additional 20%.
Best pairings for Heraclius:
Open school: Sargon (Heraclius as secondary), Harald (Heraclius as secondary)

Garrison: Jan Žižka (Heraclius in supporting role), Flavius (Heraclius in supporting role), Yi Sun-sin
Yi Sun-Sin (YSS)

Best talent trees for Heraclius:
Garrison – Building/Stronghold (Crusader Flag, Alliance Fortress, Pass)
Garrison in Ark
Garrison in the City