Kusunoki History:
Kusunoki Masashige was a 14th-century samurai who fought for Emperor Go-Daigo in the Genko War, an attempt to wrest control of Japan from the Kamakura Shogunate, and is remembered as the ideal of samurai loyalty. His origins remain uncertain, and he served only six years from the start of his military campaign in 1331 until his death in 1336.
Kusunoki Masashige received the highest decoration from the Meiji government of Japan in 1880. Legend has it that Emperor Go-Daigo had a dream that he was taking shelter under a camphor tree (“kusunoki”), and this dream led him to this family name. of the warrior who would support him. Kusunoki Masashige is a hero because he “stands in the history of his country as the ideal figure of a warrior, possessing high levels of civil and military virtue.”
Kusunoki Review:
Kusunoki is an Archer commander who specializes in open field and garrison defense (the latter is less recommended to be an epic commander) in this guide we will talk about the best build for this commander.
Kusunoki Commander Skills:
Rage Required: 1000
Instantly removes all Control, Slow, Poison, Exhaustion, and other negative effects from troops commanded by this commander. Also deals massive damage to up to 3 targets in a fan-shaped area (Damage Factor 150), and deals additional damage every second (Damage Factor 100) for the next 2 seconds.
Direct damage coefficient: 150/180/210/250/300
Bonus damage multiplier: 100/130/160/200/250
Passive Skill 1: Worthy Man
While this commander is commanding the garrison in your city, the garrison gains 1% increased counterattack damage.
Garrison Counterattack Damage Bonus: 1%/2%/3%/5%/7%
Passive Skill 2: Courage and Wisdom
Archers commanded by this commander gain 10% increased attack and 10% increased defense.
Passive Skill 3: Tragedy Ends
This commander's basic attacks have a 10% chance to deal additional damage to the target every second (Damage Factor 150) for 2 seconds.
Bonus damage multiplier: 150/200/250/350/450
Expertise: Soul of the Samurai
Increases passive skill “Courage and Wisdom”.
Archers commanded by this commander gain 15% increased attack and 15% increased defense.
Best pairings for Kusunoki:


Best Talent Tree for Kusunoki
Open field (early game):
Garrison talent tree: