Mehmed II History:
Mehmed II (March 30, 1432, Edirne – May 3, 1481, Hünkârçayırı, near Gebze) was the seventh Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Rûm before the conquest) in two periods, first from 1444 to September 1446 and then from February 1451 to 1481. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople, leading to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. Mehmed continued his campaigns in Asia, reunifying Asia Minor, and expanding his territory to Belgrade in Europe. He later merged the old Byzantine political system with that of the Ottomans. In addition to Turkish, he spoke Arabic, Greek, Persian, Serbian, Italian, and more.
Although Mehmed II died with many campaigns unfinished and without fulfilling his goal of building a global empire, he was the one who established the preeminence of Ottoman Türkiye in the Muslim world. In his efforts at conquest, he extended Ottoman influence eastward to the Euphrates and westward across the Balkans and even into the Italian peninsula. Whether he was reviled for his ferocity and zeal or celebrated for his successes, Mehmed II the Conqueror asserted the authority of his kingdom and secured the character of the Ottoman Empire. From the remains of Byzantium, he built the splendid capital of a growing Turkish Empire that would be a world power for the next four centuries.
Mehmed II Review:
Mehmed II is considered one of the best city conquerors in Rise of Kingdoms in the early game. This powerful commander has the same active skills as Baibars, but he is much stronger because he has a high damage multiplier and can use any type of troops.
To summon Mehmed II, you will need 10 of his sculptures, which can be obtained in events, the VIP store, and gold chests.
Mehmed II's Command Skills:
Rage Required: 1000
Mehmed II deals massive damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area in front of him (up to 5 targets). This skill also deals extra damage to city garrisons and watchtowers.
Upgrade Preview:
Direct damage coefficient: 450 / 600 / 700 / 950 / 1150
Bonus Damage Factor: 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700
Passive Skill 1: Lord of Earth and Sea
Increases attack damage dealt by Mehmed II's troops and his active skills.
Upgrade Preview:
Attack Bonus: 8% / 10% / 12% / 16% / 20%
Skill Damage Bonus: 8% / 10% / 12% / 16% / 20%
Passive Skill 2: Trust
When Mehmed II attacks a city, his troops' normal attacks have a 10% chance to deal additional damage to the garrison.
Upgrade Preview:
Additional damage multiplier: 500/600/700/800/1000
Passive skill 3: Wise King
Increases Mehmed II's troop capacity. When he initiates a rally, this skill will also increase the capacity of the rallying army.
Upgrade Preview:
Army Capacity Bonus: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Army Gathering Strength Bonus: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Mehmed II deals 1350 damage to enemies in a forward fan-shaped area (up to 5 targets). This skill also grants Mehmed II additional damage against city garrisons and watchtowers of 800, and it also gives him a 50% chance to deal a second wave of additional damage to city garrisons and watchtowers (Damage multiplier of 500).
Best pairings for Mehmed II


Cao Cao


Build a talent tree for Mehmed II
Open field early game when not maxed generals:
City Rally:
If you want to get the Conquest Tree for your rally build, here is an alternative version you can also use – I personally prefer the above version but this will also work with Mehmed. First, you will go to the Conquest Tree and go straight to Meteor Shower without spending any optional talent points. Meteor Shower can be very powerful but, and this is my personal opinion, I don’t like how it can be weak at times when you rely on a 10% chance – if it works regularly you will do very well but the other side of the coin is if you are unlucky it is not that strong. That is why I usually recommend building the talent above for Mehmed. After Meteor Shower you want to go to the Skill Tree. (For the reasons I mentioned above) it is not included in any of the builds for Mehmed, so it is also your next mandatory target in this talent build. Then go to the Leader Tree and unlock the Rage Hide. With the final points you get here, you can put them into Tactical Mastery and Emblem Shields in the Skill Tree or use them for simple defense/health/damage stats for your troops in another tree.