Knowing how to pair heroes in the Age of Empires Mobile is one of the most crucial things. Without good pairings, you will underperform in the majority of the game mods, which will slow down your progression. When you are pairing heroes in Age of Empires Mobile, there are a few things that you have to consider, like whether you are defending or attacking, whether you are pairing for gathering, PVP or PVE, troop-type synergy, etc. There are a lot of factors that can be hard for new players to understand, but it allows you to create numerous pairings, which makes the game interesting.
That is why we created the Age of Empires Mobile best pairing list, so you can know immediately what the best pairings are and what heroes have the best synergy. This will allow you to get the most out of each hero. Problems start when you start pairing heroes that do not have synergy. They will not perform, and you will be easily destroyed by other players who are using the best pairings in the game. There are a lot of heroes, so make sure that you check out the Age of Empires Mobile tier list before you start creating pairings to know who the best heroes are in the game currently.
This lineup is suitable for resource gathering, equipped with gathering skills to enhance gathering efficiency. All heroes in this lineup are freely accessible…. to make this pairing work, use Darius the Great as your commander and Cleopatra + Yi Sun-Shin as secondary commanders with the recommended skills show below.
"Hawk Eye" Seo Ji-na was once an ace sniper in the army and had a 2,937-yard record kill under her belt. Because of her, her team also took on the moniker of the "Hawk Eye" team. She has always considered herself to be cold and stone-hearted, and believes that calmness and rationality are the keys to survival and victory in battle. But it was after the Zombie outbreak that her heart was truly tested for the first time.
In the face of the Zombie attack, her comrades fell one by one until she was the only one left. She wondered about the meaning of life after repeatedly witnessing the deaths of comrades and enemies. She sealed off her feelings, but continues to seek the meaning of her existence in this post-apocalyptic world. She knows that death will come for her one day, but she hopes to find her humanity again before then.
Rage Skill
Rage required: 1000
Description: Increases team's ATK by ?%. Team's basic attacks deal additional DMG (Damage Factor: ?). Last 2 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
Attack: 10% / 14% / 18% / 24% / 30%
Bonus Damage Factor: 700 / 900 / 1200 / 1800 / 2500
Description: Increases Squad's basic attack damage by ?% during Siege.
Basic Attack Damage Increased: 7% / 9% / 11% / 15% / 21%
Unlocks when Hero reaches 2 stars.
Description: Increases Ranged Squad's ATK by ?% and DEF by ?%.
Upgrade Preview:
Ranged Attack: 3% / 4% / 5% / 7% / 9%
Ranged Squad DEF Increase: 3% / 4% / 5% / 7% / 9%
Unlocks when Hero reaches 3 stars.
Description: Reduces counterattack damage taken by ?%.
Upgrade Preview:
Damage Reduction: 6% / 7% / 9% / 12% / 17%
Unlocks when Hero reaches 4 stars.
Skill Up: Dynamic Vision
Before Awakening
Description: Increases ATK and DEF by 9% for Ranged Squads.
After awakening
Description: Increases ATK and DEF by 12% for long-range Squads.
Fully upgrade all skills to awaken the Hero and get the Awakening Skill.
Energy: 12
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Description: Ji-na fires explosive bullets at a designated area, dealing ? DMG to Zombies within a circular area.
Additional text: "One bullet for each enemy."
Description: Using her knowledge of explosions, Ji-na fires a bullet into an area for 15 seconds, dealing 100 damage to Zombies within range.
Description: Military training gives Ji-na a 36% increase in attack power when her HP is above 70%.
Building heroes in Doomsday: Last Survivors is a long-term project in terms of time, resources and in several cases also money and you really don’t want to build heroes for weeks and months just to find out that they will become useless or they don’t turn out to be as good as you believed they were, right?
For that reason I have a frequently updated tier list below that will show you the strength of all heroes compared to each other including short descriptions why the heroes are in the ranks they are in so you can see how useful a hero will be later in Doomsday: Last Survivors.
What are the best heroes in Doomsday: Last Survivors?
So the tier list below is divided into two sections, the forst for legendary heroes that focus a lot on the later game and end game and are basically your long-term project (how short-term decides your credi card…) and the second part is the epic heroes below them as they are evaluated more by how useful they are in the early stages of Doomsday: Last Survivors or how well you can use them when you get your first legendary heroes and you can still pair them up with them.
I hope this makes sense and you find some answers and guidline here that will help you avoid crucial mistakes in the game.
You will find all the epic heroes in Doomsday: Last Survivors listed below. You should not compare between legendary heroes and epic heroes because it is too lame.